Wednesday, July 1, 2009

GTMG (Get That Money Girl), Tameka Foster Raymond!

I've never understood why Tameka Foster Raymond has been so vilified in the media. Now that Usher (sorry, but he's not cute) is divorcing her the gossip about her is just cruel. People claim their marriage was doomed because his mother didn't like her. What real man marries a woman based on whether his mama likes her or not? I think Johnetta Patton's issue is the same issue a lot of women have when their sons decide to take a wife. She was jealous and couldn't take being number one in her son's life anymore. I know this because I've been through the same silly shit with my mother in law.

Who cares if Tameka was married already and has children? How could Johnetta feel if a man wasn't checking for her because she has children?! Who cares? I truly believe if Tameka Foster Raymond looked like Alicia Keys no one would care.

Message for Tameka Foster Raymond: Get that money girl. Usher isn't relevant in music like he used to be. If he thinks divorcing you is going to get him his fans back he has another thing coming. The music industry has changed, changed, changed and a divorce isn't going to help him get back on top. Seriously, get that money girl and do you. Usher isn't the only big earred fish in the sea. Who cares what Black women in America think about you? Can you just do me one big favor? Please delete your Twitter account. Nothing good can come of your posting stuff on there.

I also think you should write a book. Perhaps a fictional account of an annoying mother who manages the career of her young son but sabatoges all of his long term relationships in this Lifetime Movie-esque scenarios (i.e. refuses to attend his wedding hoping that will stop the nuptials, "accidentally" trips the bride hoping she'll be too hurt to attend the wedding).

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