Friday, July 10, 2009

Joe Jackson is a true pig!

Michael Jackson's poor children, especially the daughter, will be in serious trouble if Joe Jackson takes part in raising them. Joe has been accused in the past of molesting his own daughter. Do we really need Joe to take a lie detector test? You can look at his greasy behind and tell the allegations are probably true!

This is a sick ignorant man who used his children for fame and fortune. He's already talking about Michael's kids performing. He wants to use the children as his cash cow. A sick, sick man. When asked what his favorite memory of his son Michael all he could say is he was the greatest entertainer in the world. Duh Joe! Ignorant and unloving. He couldn't even share a memory about his child. All about the dollars and cents.

Those children don't need to be around Joe or his enabler wife Katherine. I feel for those children. I truly do. If Katherine is serious about taking care of those children she needs to divorce Joe ASAP. Those children are better off without a grandpa than having him as one.

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