Friday, July 24, 2009

Message to Kelis: Bitch, go get a damned job!

One thing I can't stand is for a project bitch to front and act like she's high post. Nas' biggest mistake was not realizing you can't turn a ho into a housewife but he has a history of knocking up birds which says a lot about his ass. She should get reasonable child support but why does she need over $40,000 a month in child support when she's just going to use it to buy Kool-Aid in bulk to dye her hair.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kids on Bravo's NY Prep=ASSHOLES!

Am I the only person disgusted by these self-important assholes? I guess they don't learn manners or how to be courteous to each other at their private schools. Jessie is unattractive in looks and personality. She should ask her parents to do something about that annoying weird, lisp kind of thing she's got going on. Sorry Jessie but you're no Blair Waldorf. You're not even Jenny Humphrey.

I'm convinced PC is gay and just hasn't come out of the closet. One thing's for sure- whether he's gay or straight he really is FUG! It's so obvious he's trying to be the Chuck Bass of the show and isn't coming close. He and Jessie get along so well because they're both insecure and insincere. 

There's something very Single White Female-ish about Camille. She uses her so-called smarts to cover up the fact that she probably has some stalker-ish tendencies to her. I imagine her dressing up like her pretty best friend and then trying to seduce her friends man because she can't get her own. Very typical.

Sebastian is a jerk. Is he trying to cute by hanging his head to the side when he talks or is he suffering from some sort of undiagnosed affliction? Who cares if you speak French if you're a rude asshole?

I have nothing to say about Taylor. Kelli should be glad her role on the show is insignificant. The less they show of her the better it is for her. At some point she's likely to regret signing on for this crap.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Joe Jackson is a true pig!

Michael Jackson's poor children, especially the daughter, will be in serious trouble if Joe Jackson takes part in raising them. Joe has been accused in the past of molesting his own daughter. Do we really need Joe to take a lie detector test? You can look at his greasy behind and tell the allegations are probably true!

This is a sick ignorant man who used his children for fame and fortune. He's already talking about Michael's kids performing. He wants to use the children as his cash cow. A sick, sick man. When asked what his favorite memory of his son Michael all he could say is he was the greatest entertainer in the world. Duh Joe! Ignorant and unloving. He couldn't even share a memory about his child. All about the dollars and cents.

Those children don't need to be around Joe or his enabler wife Katherine. I feel for those children. I truly do. If Katherine is serious about taking care of those children she needs to divorce Joe ASAP. Those children are better off without a grandpa than having him as one.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Andy Roddick is the biggest asshole in tennis!

I've always found it hard to root for Andy Roddick. He's a tennis player with a great serve and a bad ass attitude. His yelling, cursing and general lack of respect for umpires and linesman/women is disappointing, classless and disgusting. Andy displayed his usual lack of sportsmanship when he lost today's Wimbledon final to the great Roger Federer.

While Roger gave a very humble (this is why people root for him!) interview with the BBC and mentioned his loss last year, Andy tapped his feet, rolled his eyes and interrupted Roger's moment by screaming out that Roger won five times (hello Andy, he works for his wins!). Andy also seemed to roll his eyes when the interviewer asked Roger about the number 15 on his Nike jacket.

Andy Roddick is a 26 year old married man who behaved like a petulant child. At this point, I no longer felt bad for Andy. He played a good match but his attitude stinks. His surliness leaves a lot to be desired and may be one of the reasons why he hasn't won a grand slam since 2002. Andy Roddick will go down in tennis history as the asshole who played a great match but couldn't bring it home.

I feel bad for his wife. If his attitude on and off of the court while he's playing tennis is any indication of what he's like at home then I pray for his wife because Andy seems like a domestic violence felony case waiting to happen.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

GTMG (Get That Money Girl), Tameka Foster Raymond!

I've never understood why Tameka Foster Raymond has been so vilified in the media. Now that Usher (sorry, but he's not cute) is divorcing her the gossip about her is just cruel. People claim their marriage was doomed because his mother didn't like her. What real man marries a woman based on whether his mama likes her or not? I think Johnetta Patton's issue is the same issue a lot of women have when their sons decide to take a wife. She was jealous and couldn't take being number one in her son's life anymore. I know this because I've been through the same silly shit with my mother in law.

Who cares if Tameka was married already and has children? How could Johnetta feel if a man wasn't checking for her because she has children?! Who cares? I truly believe if Tameka Foster Raymond looked like Alicia Keys no one would care.

Message for Tameka Foster Raymond: Get that money girl. Usher isn't relevant in music like he used to be. If he thinks divorcing you is going to get him his fans back he has another thing coming. The music industry has changed, changed, changed and a divorce isn't going to help him get back on top. Seriously, get that money girl and do you. Usher isn't the only big earred fish in the sea. Who cares what Black women in America think about you? Can you just do me one big favor? Please delete your Twitter account. Nothing good can come of your posting stuff on there.

I also think you should write a book. Perhaps a fictional account of an annoying mother who manages the career of her young son but sabatoges all of his long term relationships in this Lifetime Movie-esque scenarios (i.e. refuses to attend his wedding hoping that will stop the nuptials, "accidentally" trips the bride hoping she'll be too hurt to attend the wedding).

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More about some Black people and Michael Jackson

The Michael Jackson death certainly has united people in the Black community. I can't remember a time when Black people have shown so much solidarity in my lifetime and for what? A man who had unquestionable music talent but was flawed in most areas of his life? How come people are so willing to overlook the weirdness. The accusations. The settlements! 

People are crying. People are missing work. People are glued to television. People want to rally behind Katherine Jackson, a woman who didn't do a great job protecting her own children from her husband,  so she can get custody of her grandchildren. Can she protect her children from Joe Jackson, a man who appears to care less about the death of his son and is more interested in drumming up publicity for his record label? I have to press mute whenever Joe Jackson is on the television. I feel like the entire country gets a little dumb when he opens his mouth. 

I don't begrudge anyone the right to feel sad about the loss of a great talent but Black people have other things to worry about other than the death of Michael Jackson.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Black people and the Michael Jackson's death

Some Black people have a bad habit of trying to make logical sense out of things that are extremely dysfunctional. The death of Michael Jackson is a great example of that. All of us know if Michael Jackson wasn't the King of Pop we would all think he was a bona fide weirdo and a pedophile. Folks are crying, missing days of work, buying up Michael Jackson memorabilia online and making every excuse under the sun for a man who had improper relationships with little boys. I have no idea if Michael Jackson is a pedophile but the likelihood that he was is very strong. Black people are sitting around mourning the death of a man who hasn't seemed sane for nearly 15 years. After paying a family over $20 million dollars in a case for charges he claims were lies, why continue to share your bed with boys?

I have seen internet postings vilifying his first accuser (the first of public record) and his family. What about the maid who was paid $2.4 million dollars after she accused Michael of molesting her son? Other accusations and payoffs wouldn't surprise me.

People in the Black community are fond of blaming his lack of a childhood on his crazy behavior. It's hard to admit what made Michael so talented is what also made him crazy and let's not us forget perverted.

If Michael Jackson weren't the King of Pop, he'd just be another weird, crazy man that died. Move on everyone.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

While everyone's mourning Michael Jackson's death I'm focusing on MY life...

While everyone is still mourning the death of a man they likely have never met or interacted with, I'm thinking about the things that will affect my life and the life of my family. If my husband and I die, who'll take care of our child? Putting things in place is very important for me. Unfortunately not for my neighbor who felt the need to play the Thriller album over and over in the middle of the night. 

My husband rather not think about death and legal guardians but I think about it all of the time. It's far better to have legal papers drawn than to leave things to chance. I would come back from the dead before I'd let our child be raised by my sister in law (she's a marijuana smoker who works at a fast food restaurant) or my sister who I can't stand (she can't stand me either so at least we agree on something).  My brothers and my husbands brothers are no prizes either. Let's put it this way...I'd sooner go to hell and wreak havoc from there than to let many of my family and husbands family have anything to do with the upbringing of my child. I hope we both live for a long time but just in case we don't, I pray that we live until our daughter is in a position to care for herself emotionally and financially. She'd be better off raised by wolves than some of the folks we know.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The frenzy over the death of Michael Jackson

While I don't wish death on anyone, I'm not saddened or upset about the death of "pop icon" Michael Jackson. Why? I stopped being a fan of Michael Jackson nearly 15 years ago when the rumors of certain predilections came to light. I never met Michael Jackson and did not know Michael Jackson so I refuse to go around saying I feel like I lost a brother when I really have no idea who or what his man was about. I don't mourn the death of celebrities particularly the ones embroiled in such disgusting drama.

While everyone has forgotten the molestation charges brought against Michael Jackson and his payment of over 20 million dollars to a child who accused him or horrible acts of violence, I can't. I believe Michael Jackson was a pedophile. I don't and won't mourn the death of a person I believe violated children.